Coffee Beans

Coffee Beans

Coffea better known as Coffee, is a globally popular beverage which is made by roasting beans of coffee plants.

Coffee is cultivated across the globe but is a native to Keffa (Ethopia), from where it was taken to Arab and then to Europe.

Origin of coffee is a journey to history, there are many tales which depict, as how it was found.

A legend traces that it was first found out by Kaldi, whose goats, consumed the beans and were stimulated.

Coffee has two popular Variants, Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is grown in Latin America, Eastern Africa and Asia. Whereas Robusta is grown in Western and Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and Brazil.

Coffee cultivation is of two types, under the shade and under the Sun. The cultivation is done by planting the seeds in rows, after the plants produce the coffee beans, hulling is done, which is removing coffee beans from the pulp.

The seeds are then stored and graded and sent worldwide for consumption.

Coffee is popular for its stimulating effect. It gives an energy boost, and could improve brain health along with lowering risks of type 2 diabetes and liver diseases.